SHI Hip Iron (HIP)

A steel retaining bracket with decorative scroll design, used with traditional hipped roofs to prevent ridge tile movement. Screw or nail fix to rafter and embed in mortar.


Code Size Units Quote
SHI/300/3 W 25 x L 300 x H 150 x T 3mm 50 Box
SHI/300/4 W 25 x L 300 x H 150 x T 4mm 50 Box
SHI/300/5 W 25 x L 300 x H 150 x T 5mm 50 Box

T = Thickness

A steel retaining bracket with decorative scroll design, used with traditional hipped roofs to prevent ridge tile movement. Screw or nail fix to rafter and embed in mortar.

  • Material - Manufactured from galvanised mild steel or stainless steel to order.
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